Creating hyperlinks in RVSiteBuilder 5

RVSiteBuilder 5 series

9. Creating hyperlinks in RVSiteBuilder 5

This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to RVSiteBuilder.

Now let’s learn how to create hyperlinks.

1) Click step3.

2) Click the edit icon for the page you wish to edit.

This is a full-featured web page editor which is used to edit the various web pages throughout your website and is where you have to create and edit your hyperlinks.

3) First select the text you wish to assign a hyperlink to.

4) Then click the hyperlink icon here.

This is the hyperlink window where you can define several types of hyperlinks.

This is where you would define hyperlinks that send an email to a pre-defined address.

This is where you would define hyperlinks that jump to another place within the same web page.

This is where you would define internal hyperlinks that jump to other pages within your website.

Finally this is where you would define external hyperlinks that jump to other websites.

5) Let’s setup an external hyperlink, enter the URL of the website here.

6) Then choose how you want the hyperlink to be displayed.

7) Now enter a title for the hyperlink.

That’s it! The new hyperlink has been setup, and can be seen here.

You can also create hyperlinks for images so that when an image is clicked, the user is taken to another page or website.

Finally let’s demonstrate how to remove a hyperlink.

8) Click on the link.

9) Now click this icon.

10) When finished making your changes, be sure to click this save icon here.

Remember that you have to publish any changes you make for them to take effect.

11) Click publish.

This is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to create hyperlinks in RVSiteBuilder 5.