How to find Installatron in cPanel

Installatron series 1. How to find Installatron in cPanel Installatron is an auto installer for cPanel that lets you quickly install a variety of web applications. These applications, also called scripts, make it easy for you to make the most of your web hosting account. Some of the categories of scripts Installatron lets you install include Blogs, Portals & Content Management […]

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How to setup Hotlink protection in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 22. How to setup Hotlink protection in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to use Hotlink Protection, so people can’t link directly to images in our website 1) Click the Hotlink Protection icon Hotlink Protection prevents other websites from directly linking to certain files (typically images) […]

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How to create additional FTP accounts in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 18. How to create additional FTP accounts in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to setup additional FTP accounts 1) Click the FTP Accounts icon This is where you manage your FTP accounts 2) To create a new FTP account, enter a new login here… […]

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How to change the primary language in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 13. How to change the primary language in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to change the primary language 1) Click the Change Language icon 2) Select the desired language, then click Change That’s it! The language has been changed Now when you navigate […]

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How to update your contact information in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 11. How to update your contact information in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to update your contact information in cPanel 1) Click the Update Contact Info icon 2) Make sure you enter a correct, working email address here. This is how you will be contacted […]

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How to add an MX entry in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 8. How to add an MX entry in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to setup MX entries 1) Click the MX entry icon Setting a custom MX entry is useful if you want your email handled by another server, or if you want to setup […]

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How to setup a cron job in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 30. How to setup a cron job in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to setup a cron job 1) Click the Cron Jobs icon 2) Enter the email address where you want the cron job results sent after each time it runs Now you […]

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How to create custom error pages in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 29. How to create custom error pages in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to create custom error pages 1) Click the Error Pages icon There are several different error pages you can customize. In this tutorial, we’re going to customize the 404 error page […]

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How to create a subdomain in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 23. How to create a subdomain in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to create a subdomain 1) Click the Sub Domains icon 2) Enter the prefix of your new subdomain here… 3) Make sure the domain name your subdomain will be associated with is selected […]

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How to use the IP Deny Manager in cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 (2013) end-user series 21. How to use the IP Deny Manager in cPanel This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to use the IP Deny manager in cPanel, to block certain IP addresses from having access to our website 1) Click IP Deny Manager 2) Enter an IP address or […]

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