How to change your password in Drupal

Drupal series 4. How to change your password in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the My account link Now let’s learn how to change our Drupal password 2) Then click the Edit link Scroll down This is the edit account page where we can configure our account and change our password 3) Enter a new password here 4) Confirm your password […]

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How to configure your site in Drupal

Drupal series 5. How to configure your site in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the Administer link Now let’s learn how to configure our site 2) Then click Site configuration 3) Click the Administration theme link This is the Site Configuration page where we can modify many aspects of our Drupal site 4) Click here to show the theme dropdown […]

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How to manage stories in Drupal

Drupal series 11. How to manage stories in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click Create content Now let’s learn how to manage stories 2) Click Story This is the Create Content page, where you can choose to create new pages or new stories for your web site Stories are articles that have a title, a teaser and a body… but […]

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How to manage themes in Drupal

Drupal series 8. How to manage themes in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the Administer link Now let’s learn how to manage themes Themes are an easy way to change the look and feel of your Drupal site 2) Click the Themes link here 3) Click here to enable a new theme… 4) … then click here to make this […]

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How to manage users in Drupal

Drupal series 7. How to manage users in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the Administer link Now let’s learn how to manage users 2) Click the Users link here 3) Let’s add a user now…  click Add user 4) Enter a Username for the new user here 5) Then enter the new user’s Email address 6) Enter and confirm a password for […]

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How to manage pages in Drupal

Drupal series 10. How to manage pages in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click Create content Now let’s learn how to manage pages 2) To create a new page, click the Page link here This is the Create Content page, where you can choose to create new pages or new stories for your web site You would choose to create […]

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How to manage modules in Drupal

Drupal series 6. How to manage modules in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the Administer link Now let’s learn how to manage modules Modules are plugins that extend Drupal’s core functionality. You can add modules for blogs, search, comments, contact forms, forums, and more 2) Then click the Modules link here This is the Modules main page 3) Let’s use […]

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How to manage menus in Drupal

Drupal series 13. How to manage menus in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the Administer link Now let’s learn how to manage menus 2) Click the Menus link This is the Menus page where we can add, edit, or delete menus to our web site As we can see, some menus are currently disabled, let’s enable a disabled menu now […]

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Maintaining your site in Drupal

Drupal series 14. Maintaining your site in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the Administer link Now let’s learn how to maintain our Drupal web site 2) Click Site maintenance This is the Site Maintenance page. Under normal circumstances, your Site Status should be set to Online. If you wanted to work on the website and didn’t want people to […]

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Setting up your account information in Drupal

Drupal series 3. Setting up your account information in Drupal This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to Drupal 1) Click the My account link Now let’s learn how to setup our account information 2) Then click the Edit link This is the edit account page where we can configure our account. It is from here that you can change your username and email address… You can […]

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